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Perception Vs Reality

Do you literally see what you think?  Do you actually perceive what you hear? They say “Seeing is believing” but is that really true? The definition of “Perception” is “a single unified awareness derived from sensory processes while a stimulus is present”, so in other words we perceive our reality through our senses. Have you…

Does Toxic Positivity exist?

You may be thinking what is Toxic Positivity? Toxic Positivity is defined as an obsession with positive thinking. It is the belief that people should put a positive spin on all experiences, even those that are profoundly tragic. It is the overgeneralisation of a happy, optimistic state that results in the denial, minimisation and invalidation…

Love is Greater Than Fear.

Vulnerability….it’s a word and feeling I have often avoided…recently I had someone challenge me and say “Why are you so guarded?”, It was the first time in a long time someone stared me straight in the eye and into my soul, it’s like they saw right through me, They further challenged me by saying “You…

Trigger Happy?

Ever sit up at night thinking, analysing, stressing, worrying, weighing up possible outcomes, how someone will react, what they will think, how you will be perceived…..your mind is working like the old proverbial mouse on a wheel “round and round” with no destination…are you dizzy yet? This happened to me recently, it was a chain…

Are We Emotionally Disconnected?

Hurt, Loss, grief or betrayal …..I am sure we have all experienced these emotions at some point.  A recent discussion made me contemplate the following question “In this modern day and age, has our lack of ability for emotional resilience caused us to become emotionally unavailable and disconnected? Recently single after a long term relationship,…